
and finally the furniture...

the furniture at ICFF, well it's technically the International Contemporary Furniture Fair but obviously there was oh so much more there than furniture. these first two photo's were a fabulous booth, quite minimalist but with a few pieces that really had character. the chairs shown here are totally a hoot with someone sitting in them, from behind they really look like some boxy suited person.

the bureau is whimsically made of what appears to be scraps from other furniture, weather made to look so or actually recycled from found drawers and other pieces i love the mixed wood tones and pulls.

there was so much baby furniture. this is either a show suited to that age bracket or lots and lots of people are having lots of kids these days because there were more baby furniture and accessory booths than ever before. the designs were incredibly beautiful ranging from quite minimalist to very sophisticated whimsical takes on classic lines. this line is made to grow with the child from a crib to a small bed it can be reassembled in various configurations.

bamboo was a very popular choice of materials being used for everything from lighting to chairs and tables frequently being mixed with other hardwoods for variation in texture and color.

sorry this post is short on information regarding the exhibitors but large in inspirational imagery. enjoy~

these beauties for the bathroom show some bold use of color and their designs place them clearly in the furniture category even though there is not a traditional bathroom cabinet to be found.

the Italian section was very minimalist and sexy as expected. there was a focus on simple lines but they were a bit more curvaceous than in the past few years and a few exhibitors had some stunning more traditional pieces like the one below but again with a modern twist and a somewhat whimsical edge.

my favorite chair of the show. this was the same booth that had the white feather pendant lamps (again in the Italy section).

both this and the previous photo's are great examples of the subtle color combination of brown and lavender with accents of grey (vey monochromatic).

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