
Going Live

Hi All,

I'm such a perfectionista that I've been sitting on this blog for a bit now and saying I would get it right before using it but why? I've decided I'm just going to jump in and learn as I go. I had this idea that starting a blog would be "easy" or at least easier than starting a website but HA, not so. Anyways, here it is and I'll perfect it as I go along. I've been busy with work, CSA and Master Gardener stuff as well as summer time fun such as Tubing last weekend and swimming etc. Summer goes so quickly, I'm trying to savor the flavor. Okay, so I've posted some links to sites I love, I love to use and sites of friends I love. Check them out and let me know if there's something great out there I should check out. Soon I hope to have a link to B's website since he bought his domain name for his new company: Sub Urban Solution. He's been so busy with jobs it's amazing! I'm still trying to figure some things out here and I'll soon have a link to my Flickr Photo sets. Off to take a walk!

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