

Originally uploaded by WeBees
i attended a lecture 2 weeks ago on organic lawn care by Paul Tukey and this is the book he has recently published on the subject. somehow i thought organic lawn care would be a difficult subject to tackle but he broke it down into simple easy to follow steps.
1. reseed, reseed, reseed
2. compost, compost, compost
3. mow that lawn high and recycle the grass clippings right back onto the lawn
4. spray the lawn with compost tea, this activates the micro organisms that are alive it the soil so they can get to work
5. water properly (long and deep and in the am)
6. only create lawn where you will use it and enjoy it.
the last is probably the best advice and most important! if you don't use your lawn, why do you have it? convert some to wildflowers, some to vegetables, some to trees, shrubs and other plantings.

the book goes into a lot more detail but there are many free resources such as videos on the safe lawns website. now's the time to get that lawn ready for next year, if you love it use it, if not get rid of it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this. I am in the process of replacing a good bit of lawn with flowering shrubs and perenials. I let the back yard go to moss a couple of years ago - it is very shaded with large trees. I wish us both lovely yards that are respectful of the planet.